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Tucker Carlson Hosts Nazi Apologist Who Makes Heinous Claim About WWII

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson prefaced his latest podcast episode by lauding guest Darryl Cooper as “the best and most honest popular historian,” and then looked on entranced in the video recording of it as Cooper argued Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler wasn’t the “chief villain” of World War II.

Cooper, who has shared pro-Hitler posts on social media, argued on the podcast that then-British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was to blame for the war.

“I thought Churchill was the chief villain of the Second World War,” he told Carlson, adding that “maybe” he was being provocative. “Now, he didn’t kill the most people, he didn’t commit the most atrocities, but … he was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did.”

Carlson, who had encouraged Cooper to expound by arguing “it’s fair to ask” about this subject, went on to urge his guest to “make the case” for Churchill’s apparent crimes. Cooper claimed he doesn’t believe Hitler was part of “the good guys,” but then seemingly argued as much.

Cooper accurately stated that Hitler “launched a war” but then claimed the Nazi high command only ordered “the millions and millions of prisoners of war” killed out of pity — to save them from dying of starvation — as the Nazis were “completely unprepared to deal” with them.

He then claimed Hitler pushed for peace with Britain and France, while Churchill bombed Nazi Germany, “the purpose of which was to kill as many civilians as possible.”

Carlson, who was fired from Fox News in 2023, never corrected his guest in Monday’s episode.

German historian Michael Geyer, however — a professor emeritus of German and European history at the University of Chicago — notes that Cooper’s take is inaccurate.

“The question I’d have is

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