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Philadelphia Eagles disavow fake ads declaring Kamala Harris the team’s ‘official candidate’

The Philadelphia Eagles are trying to remove fake ads stating that Vice President Kamala Harris is the team’s “official candidate” after several popped up across the city.

The team said in a statement on Monday that they’re “aware counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed.”

Photos shared on social media show that at least one of the ads, an animated version of Harris in an Eagles helmet holding a football, was put up at a Philadelphia bus stop. Underneath, it states, “Kamala – official candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles.”

A link at the bottom of the ad goes to the Eagles’ actual voter registration site: philadelphiaeagles.com/vote. The site doesn’t state any support for a party or a candidate and doesn’t appear to have been updated since the primary elections.

The site shares resources on polling stations, how to request ballots and how to register to vote.

The bus stop in one of the images is located in West Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania, USA Today noted. The posters appeared at 16th and Spring Garden Streets, 18th Street and JFK Boulevard, and Walnut Street in Philadelphia, according to CBS News.

The National Football League and its Players Association started the NFL Votes effort in 2020, which is a non-partisan initiative supporting and encouraging “civic engagement among NFL players, and legends, club and league personnel, and fans.”

The Eagles hoped to have all the ads removed by Tuesday. Some fans toook it upon themselves to cover the ads with the team’s statement. Video by journalists showed one fan taping up copies of the statement over the ad.

Intersection, the company that owns the bus shelters on which the ads

Read more on independent.co.uk