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People Are Revealing The Weirdest Things They've Ever Seen At The Airport

Maybe it’s pre-flight jitters. Or maybe it’s people over-imbibing at an airport bar. But for whatever reason, it’s not unusual to see someone acting up (or just acting plain weird) at the airport.

With that in mind, we asked comedians and others to share the funniest or weirdest thing they ever witnessed someone doing while they were waiting to board a flight. See what they had to say below.

The Parachuter

“This happened just yesterday. We were flying back from Chicago and a man going through security was asked if the very suspicious backpack he’d put on was a parachute. He denied it and walked through the scanners. The guys X-rayed it and were just like, ‘Yeah that’s 100% a parachute’ and led him off. Everyone in the line could tell it was a parachute. No idea what that guy was doing.” ―Niall Spain, co-host of the sex and dating advice podcast “F*ck Buddies”

The Pie Thief

“I was once supposed to be boarding a flight on the day of a major terrorist incident in London, and all flights were grounded. I saw a guy who was so angry about his flight being canceled that he stole two massive pies from the food court and ran around the airport shouting, ‘I’ve stolen these pies! We’re entitled to compensation, don’t let them con you!’ while everyone around him was respectfully grieving those who had died.” ― Joz Norris, a writer and comedian

The Day Drinker

“I was at an airport lounge in Portugal around 7 a.m. their time. This guy filled up a pint of beer at a self-serve tap, made eye contact with me, shrugged with a smile and then just walked away. Guess it’s 5:00 somewhere.” ―Natalya Jones, a writer

The Truly Confused American

“I was at the Athens, Greece, airport and a lady asked where the TSA pre-check line was.” ― Simon

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