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Donald Trump's Nephew Drops S-Bomb On MSNBC During Searing Takedown Of Uncle

A nephew of Donald Trump cursed on live TV when talking about his uncle’s open contempt for the military.

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace on Monday asked Fred Trump III ― whose memoir alleged racist slurs by his uncle― why he thought some service members still support the former president, despite his long history of making offensive and disparaging comments about those who serve.

Trump was engulfed in controversy once again this week following a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

“I have no idea and I know many people who are in the military,” Fred Trump replied before recalling an interview he gave to National Defense Radio, which broadcasts to service members.

“I said that he just doesn’t give a shit about them. He just doesn’t,” he remembered to Wallace. “It’s the great ‘Godfather II,’ one of the last scenes when Sonny says, ‘Country ain’t your blood, kid.’ And Michael Corleone says, ‘No, I don’t believe that.’ Donald believes in Donald.”

Watch the full interview here.

Fred Trump III, in his book “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, also alleged his uncle had once suggested that “maybe” people with severe disabilities “should just die.”

Read more on huffpost.com