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Donald Trump’s campaign reports raising $130 million in August

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump ’s campaign says that it brought in $130 million in August, not as much as the month prior but a figure that his advisers said put the GOP nominee in good position for the remaining two months of the general election campaign.

Most of that figure — 98% — came in the form of donations under $200, Trump’s campaign said Wednesday, with an average donation of $56.

The fundraising release comes as the general election battle between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris hits its peak. It was just over six weeks ago that President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid and elevated Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket.

Trump has proven to be a prolific fundraiser, but the newness of Harris’ bid has prompted a boost in cash from Democratic donors.

Harris’ campaign hasn’t yet put out its fundraising figures for August. But in the five-week period that began with Biden’s departure from the race and ended the Sunday following the Democratic National Convention, Harris’ campaign said it raised $540 million.

On Tuesday, Harris’ campaign said it was sending nearly $25 million in an effort to boost Democrats’ efforts in down-ballot races, a figure the campaign said was the largest ever in a presidential cycle.

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