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Trump warns US approaching 'World War III territory' under Biden-Harris admin: 'Clowns'

Former President Donald Trump said during a Fox News town hall in Pennsylvania Wednesday evening that the U.S. is heading towards "World War III territory" as wars abroad rage under the Biden-Harris administration.

"We're heading into World War III territory, and because of the power of weapons, nuclear weapons in particular, but other weapons also, and I know the weapons better than anybody because I'm the one that bought them," Trump said from the New Holland Arena in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The town hall, which was moderated by Fox News' Sean Hannity, fielded questions from voters in the key battleground state, which will likely help determine the outcome of the election come Nov. 5.

"We rebuilt our entire military. We upgraded our entire program. And, you know, the one program I hated to upgrade, hated it, was the nuclear program. And I understand it maybe better than anybody. My uncle was at MIT, a professor, the longest serving professor in the history of MIT. Very smart guy. We have a smart family. It's nice to have a smart family, but I knew, I understood, nuclear for a long time. The power of nuclear weapons. You need a president that's not going to be taking you into war."


"We won't have World War III when I'm elected. But with these clowns that you have in there now, you're going to end up having World War III, and it's going to be a war … like no other."

War broke out in Ukraine in 2022, when Russia invaded the nation. Another war broke out in the Middle East last October, when Hamas terrorists launched attacks on Israel.

Trump doubled down in the town hall that if he were in the Oval Office, the

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