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Trump says he’ll boost the economy by cutting federal spending and corporate taxes

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump told a group of executives and industry leaders on Thursday he wants to lead a “national economic renaissance” by slashing regulations to boost energy production, embracing cryptocurrencies and drastically cutting government spending as well as corporate taxes for companies that produce in the U.S.

The GOP presidential nominee, speaking to the Economic Club of New York, said he would immediately issue a national emergency declaration to achieve a massive increase in the domestic energy supply and eliminate 10 current regulations for every new regulation that government adopts. He said Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk has agreed to head a commission to perform a financial audit of the federal government that would save trillions of dollars. “My plan will rapidly defeat inflation, quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth,” Trump claimed.

Trump spoke to the same group eight years ago, and on Thursday he touted his economic accomplishments while in office, including jobs created on his watch, cuts on taxes and regulations and his efforts to renegotiate trade deals.

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