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Tim Walz’s close family sets record straight on viral ‘Walz’s for Trump’ pic

A family photo shared to social media this week, showing a smiling family flanked around a matriarch in matching “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump” T-shirts, has certainly raised a lot of eyebrows and left some gleefully rubbing their hands together.

But the photo isn’t quite what it seems, or certainly not as juicy as some members of the Republican party probably want it to be.

At first glance, the photo and caption, first circulated to X on Wednesday by Charles W. Herbster, a former GOP gubernatorial candidate in Nebraska and chairman of Rural Americans for Trump, gives the impression that Gov. Tim Walz’s family is choosing to cast votes for Trump in the upcoming U.S. election – taking away votes for Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, and, in turn, their own kin Walz, who is the Democratic vice-presidential hopeful.

“Tim Walz’s family back in Nebraska wants you to know something…” Herbster wrote, with an attached photo showing eight people standing under a “Trump 2024” sign in their matching (grammatically incorrect) shirts.

Tim Walz's family back in Nebraska wants you to know something…<a href=«https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=» https:>@realDonaldTrump

<a href=«https://twitter.com/JDVance?ref_src=» https:>@JDVance <a href=«https://twitter.com/hashtag/SaveAmerica?src=hash&ref_src=» https:>#SaveAmerica
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