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New Hampshire US House hopefuls offer gun violence solutions in back-to-back debates

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Candidates seeking to fill an open seat in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District offered a range of solutions to address gun violence Wednesday, hours after a 14-year-old student killed four people at a Georgia high school.

Republicans Bill Hamlen, Vikram Mansharamani and Lily Tang Williams and Democrats Maggie Goodlander and Colin Van Ostern met for back-to-back debates at New England College ahead of Tuesday’s primary. They’re seeking their respective party nominations for a chance to replace U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, a six-term Democrat who is not seeking reelection.

The first question for both groups was about the shooting deaths of two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia.

Mansharamani, an entrepreneur and author, said he would focus on addressing the “root causes” of gun violence, particularly mental health, with compassion and understanding.

“I frankly think some of the social media algorithms that are out there are creating anxiety and depression, and some of the climate alarmism is teaching kids that the world is ending,” he said.

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