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Michael Moore Says Biden Is Being ‘Played Like A Sucker’ By Netanyahu In Israel-Gaza Conflict

Michael Moore is not holding back regarding his opinions of President Joe Biden and the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The Oscar-winning filmmaker excoriated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday for his ongoing bombing offensive in Gaza, which has led to massive loss of life and continuing starvation, and slammed the Biden administration for funding it.

“There’s no getting around the awful truth: The United States is the Bank that is funding and arming the slaughter of children in Gaza,” Moore wrote Wednesday on Substack. “Netanyahu is a war criminal. This makes us his accomplices. THIS MUST STOP.”

“Biden has been played like a sucker,” he continued before quoting a surreptitious 2001 recording. “(As Netanyahu has said: ‘I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily.’) Bibi has taken advantage of a weakened Biden to commit his crimes.”

The footage in question was reportedly captured in secret as Netanyahu spoke in Hebrew about relations with former President Bill Clinton’s administration. The video was leaked in 2010 and strained an already-tense alliance with then-President Barack Obama.

Moore believes Biden has been just another fiddle for Netanyahu to play and decried Israel’s war chest being filled with billions in U.S. taxpayer money at the behest of an administration claiming to be “working around the clock” for a cease-fire in the bloody conflict.

“Our gov’t has given Israel $57 billion in cash, arms and future assistance since October,” Moore wrote Wednesday. “That’s $356 from each of us (via taxes) to fund their war on civilians…Your Daily Action #5 [is to] Make Amends for What is Done in Our Name.”

The “Fahrenheit 9/11” director urged readers to donate to the Palestine Children’s

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