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Here's how the economy is doing in the handful of counties that could decide the election

Like the nation as a whole, the economic fortunes of the counties poised to decide November’s election are starting to show early signs of distress.

From Reno, Nevada, to the Midwest to the suburbs of Atlanta, unemployment rates that were recently at all-time lows have begun to creep back up. Meanwhile, housing costs have exploded in these regions, creating divides between homeowners and renters.

In other words, these seven counties — part of NBC News’ “The Deciders” project — are microcosms of the U.S. economy writ large.

This article also uses the NBC News Home Buyer Index, which looks at cost, competition, scarcity and economic instability to determine how difficult it is to buy in every county across the U.S. Judged on a scale of 0-100, a higher value indicates a higher difficulty. The national score is 85.3.

Many of these “decider” counties enjoy a diverse economic base and dynamic population that will position them to better withstand a more severe downturn. In nearly every case, these counties have lower unemployment rates than the current national average of 4.3%. Most also saw population inflows during the pandemic that, while putting pressure on local housing markets, signaled they maintain persistently desirable qualities.

And while economic mobility is just one facet of voters’ mindsets heading into the fall, it consistently remains the top concern, ahead of governmental leadership and immigration, according to the most recent Gallup Poll.

Maricopa County, Arizona (Phoenix)

  • Unemployment rate: 3.8%
  • Housing index: 63.5 (challenging, but not overly difficult)
  • Median household income (2022): $84,000
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment (2022): 21.9%
  • 2020 presidential election margin: Biden +2.2
  • 2016 presidential election
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