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Harris’s Operation Will Put $24.5 Million Toward Down-Ballot Democrats

The fund-raising apparatus of Vice President Kamala Harris will direct $24.5 million to organizations dedicated to electing down-ballot Democratic candidates, Ms. Harris’s campaign chief said on Tuesday.

The Harris campaign will send $10 million each to the House and Senate Democratic campaign arms, $2.5 million to the body that helps elect state legislative Democrats and $1 million each to the Democratic Governors Association and the Democratic attorneys general campaign arm, it said.

The campaign did not say which of its fund-raising vehicles — Harris for President, the Democratic National Committee or the campaign’s joint fund-raising committees it operates with state Democratic parties — would be tapped to send the money to the down-ballot groups.

The cash transfers reflect Ms. Harris’s surge of financial support, and represent an increased focus among Democrats on down-ballot races. The party was wiped out in local contests during Barack Obama’s presidency, and then Republicans drew legislative districts to their own advantage after the 2010 census and reapportionment.

Since then, Democrats have sought to direct more money to state-level races. Last year, more than $40 million was spent on an election for a single seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The most expensive nonpresidential races in 2024 will be the contests that determine control of the Senate — elections in Arizona, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — but many millions more will be directed toward competitive House districts.

The party’s state legislative campaign arm intends to spend $10 million on key races, a fraction of Democratic investment in just one of the most competitive Senate contests. There are few expensive races for governor this year

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