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Atlanta mayor proposes $60M to house the homeless

ATLANTA (AP) — Atlanta’s mayor proposed a $60 million investment in housing Tuesday as the city grapples with a rising homeless population.

Under Mayor Andre Dickens’ proposal, which needs approval from the City Council, a combination of public and private funds would bolster projects across the city. Dickens said he hopes to build 700 units of affordable housing by next year. A Democrat who is up for reelection in 2025, Dickens said the funding would be the city’s largest single investment in homelessness to date if the City Council approves it.

“I believe that the lack of affordable housing has reached a crisis level, not just here in Atlanta, but in cities all across the United States of America and in every part of our region,” Dickens said at a news conference in downtown Woodruff Park, where many homeless people often congregate.

The funding would come from a $50 million bond, along with $10 million from Atlanta’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Dickens said the city hopes that with additional private giving, public and private spending on reducing homelessness will rise to more than $120 million.

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