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20 Too-Real Tweets About School Picture Day

Does your kid has a wild case of bed head and maple syrup stains running down their shirt? It must be the often-forgotten school picture day.

You can count on the photographer to capture your sweet child either closing their eyes or grimacing in pained disgust at the camera. These will be memories you will cherish for years. And you’ll be able to purchase 56 wallet size photos for only $180!

Some parents even have the option of switching out the backgrounds, so you could pose your child’s gap-toothed grin in front of an American flag or Mt. Rushmore — a choice you’ll be happy to have made when they decide to run for president one day (or when you use the photo to embarrass them at their wedding.)

Here, the funny parents of X (formerly Twitter) explain what school picture day is all about.

Read more on huffpost.com