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11 strikes in 16 seconds: One Capitol rioter’s violent attack on police with a hockey stick

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said she hasn’t grown numb to the violent scenes of Jan. 6 that are routinely shown in her courtroom.

“I’m horrified every single time,” she said before sentencing a U.S. Marine Corps veteran in February to more than three years prison.

That man, Michael Foy, traveled to Washington alone from his Michigan home on the morning of Jan. 6. He posed for a photo in front of the Washington monument with an American flag wrapped around his shoulders and a “TRUMP 2020” flag attached to a hockey stick in his hand.

He would later use that hockey stick to attack officers in one of the most violent scenes captured on camera as the mob battled for hours with police for control of a Capitol entrance.

He wildly swung the stick at officers at least 11 times in 16 seconds, while other rioters attacked police with a crutch, flagpoles, and other makeshift weapons during an explosion of violence at mouth of the Lower West Terrace Tunnel. Earlier, he picked up a sharpened metal pole and hurled it like a spear at police.

Foy served in the Marine Corps from 2015 until June 2020, working as a heavy equipment mechanic and attaining the rank of corporal before he was honorably discharged.

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