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Alaska man charged with sending graphic threats to kill Supreme Court justices

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Alaska man accused of sending graphic threats to injure and kill six Supreme Court justices and some of their family members has been indicted on federal charges, authorities said Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, is accused of sending more than 465 messages through a public court website, including graphic threats of assassination and torture coupled with racist and homophobic rhetoric.

The indictment does not specify which justices Anastasiou targeted, but Attorney General Merrick Garland said he made the graphic threats as retaliation for decisions he disagreed with.

“Our democracy depends on the ability of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their families,” he said.

Prosecutors said in an indictment filed Wednesday that the messages were sent between March and mid-July in 2023. Anastasiou has been charged with 22 counts, including nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce.

Anastasiou was arrested Wednesday in Anchorage. An attorney listed for him in court records did not immediately return a message seeking comment, and publicly listed phone numbers for Anastasiou were disconnected.

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